The American Higher Education Crisis: Blacks Excluded from STEM Faculty Positions

The American Higher Education Crisis: Blacks Excluded from STEM Faculty Positions

Lisa Sanon-Jules and Sandra Donnay

  • Blacks are less than 1% of Biology and less than 2% of Chemistry faculty1.  
  • Blacks are less than 1% of tenured mathematics faculty2.
  • Black faculty are concentrated in non-STEM disciplines1.
  1. Li, D., & Koedel, C. (2018). “Representation and salary gaps by race-ethnicity and gender at selective public universities”: Corrigendum. Educational Researcher, 47(7), 474.
  2. Doan, I. (2019). Arlie Petters is one of the few tenured black mathematicians. He wants to diversify his field. The Chronicle.  Retrieved January 24, 2021 from

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